Graphics Programming Conference (Banner)

November 12-14, 2024

Graphics Programming Conference

A new, international conference for real-time and interactive graphics programming.

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November 13th-14th 2024


Ghost of Tsushima Banner

Mission: Importable - Ghost of Tsushima PC Postmortem

Bringing the beautiful island of Tsushima to the PC platform has been a significant technological undertaking. The single platform Sucker Punch engine was made to run on the PC for the first time. A custom DirectX 12 render backend had to be built from scratch to accomplish this. From the first triangle to the final post effect.

How do you make a to-the-metal console engine run on PC? Yana Mateeva and Marco Bouterse will recount their journey and elaborate on the biggest challenges they faced and how they overcame them.

Marco Bouterse

Marco Bouterse

Principal Graphics Programmer, Nixxes Software

Yana Mateeva

Yana Mateeva

Graphics Programmer, Nixxes Software

DirectX 12 Memory Management

DirectX 12 Memory Management at Nixxes

Discover the challenges and successes Nixxes faced in developing an optimal memory management strategy adaptable to a wide range of hardware.

Learn how we manage video memory oversubscription by automatically transferring low-priority resources to and from system memory, and how we utilize multi-threading to ensure a seamless experience.

Explore the statistics we monitor and how we use them to identify and address memory-related issues such as waste and stutters.

Finally, understand how we use specialized allocators to address and improve these issues and learn about a few of our other strategies.

Hilze Vonck

Hilze Vonck

Senior Graphics Programmer, Nixxes Software

Magic Pixels Banner

Magic Pixels: An introduction to frame generation and upscaling

The last few years a lot of exciting new techniques have popped up to improve performance of games by a lot! This talk is an easy introduction to the current state of the art frame generation and upscaling methods with a focus on AMD’s recently launched FSR 3.1. How do these almost magical methods generate pixels and even entire frames? What is the tradeoff by using these techniques, and what have been the biggest pitfalls for us into getting these methods ship ready?

Menno Bil profile picture.

Menno Bil

Junior Graphics Programmer, Nixxes Software

Pondering Orbs: The Rendering and Art Tools of 'COCOON'

Pondering Orbs: The Rendering and Art Tools of "COCOON"

Rendering the game’s beautiful worlds within worlds takes a few tricks – from thick billowing froxel fog and spherical harmonics volumetric lightmaps, to a host of visual effects like crystalline Voronoi bridges, SDF shoreline ripples on water, and warping through ponderable orbs.

Mikkel Svendsen presents how these features, tools and effects were implemented and shipped on the game’s target platforms, how they contributed to the game’s look, and how it all works together with an MSAA-friendly rendering pipeline by carefully considering the gotchas of fitting these features and effects with that.

Mikkel Svendsen Profile Picture

Mikkel Svendsen

Render Programmer, Geometric Interactive

Hades Gameplay

Boon or Curse: A custom rendering engine for the development of Hades and Hades II

Explore the pivotal role of Supergiant Games’s rendering engine in shaping the immersive visuals of their latest titles. Dive into the triumphs and tribulations faced by the small but passionate team as they navigate the complexities of developing and refining their technology. From unlocking the art team’s creative potential to wrestling with technical constraints. Devansh presents how creating a fully custom rendering pipeline can prove to be a blessing in the pursuit of crafting unforgettable gaming experiences.

Devansh Maheshwari

Devansh Maheshwari

Graphics Software Engineer, Supergiant Games

Occupancy explained through the AMD RDNA™ architecture

Occupancy explained through the AMD RDNA™ architecture

Learn about the AMD RDNA™ graphics hardware architecture and its execution model, and discover how the concept of occupancy naturally emerges from how it works. Understand the critical importance of latency hiding for performance and the hardware mechanisms that enable it on the GPU.

Join François in investigating practical examples with the AMD Radeon™ Developer Tool Suite where he explains why occupancy is a useful metric and when you should care about it. He will also provide tips and tricks from the trenches on how to improve the performance of latency-bound workloads.


François Guthmann

François Guthmann

Senior Developer Technology Engineer, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

Variable Refresh Rates on Android

Variable Refresh Rates on Android

A deep dive into how Android Framework supports variable refresh rates, from 1Hz to 120Hz, and how it blends the refresh rates of dynamic content on the screen.

Ramnivas Indani

Ramnivas Indani

Software Engineer, Google Inc.

Volumetric Fog in Enshrouded

Volumetric Fog in Enshrouded

Volumetric fog is a core aspect of our game, Enshrouded, and has been since the beginning of the project. We’ll skip the basics of rendering volumetrics and instead give a short overview of the various approaches we tried throughout the development of the game to render dynamic volumetric effects over a large distance in our custom in-house engine. The main focus will be how we render fog in the shipping version. We’ll also talk about how we’re supporting dynamic fog effects and some tricks that we’re doing utilizing the voxel-representation of our world.

Lukas Feller Profile Picture

Lukas Feller

Graphics Programmer, Keen Games

Global Illumination in Enshrouded

Dynamic Diffuse & Specular Global Illumination in Enshrouded

Enshrouded has a voxel based environment, where nearly everything can be destroyed or built from scratch, so there is no room for pre-baked lighting. This presentation takes you on a journey through the development process of Enshrouded GI and shows which techniques worked for us or which didn’t.
Discover how we moved to our own SDF rays from Vulkan Raytracing to run on a wide range of GPUs. From shiny specular armor reflections, to diffuse foggy forests or deep dark caves, Enshrouded GI is capable of handling various situations dynamically and in real time. All rounded up with a bit of stochastic to make everything fast and smooth. Enshrouded GI shows what we achieved in a small team with our own handcrafted voxel engine.

Jakub Kolesik profile picture

Jakub Kolesik

Senior Rendering Engineer, Keen Games

Vulkan in Enshrouded banner

Vulkan in Enshrouded

Shipping Eshrouded on PC with just a Vulkan backend has been a lot of work and we learned a lot along the way.

This presentation will discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of Vulkan from the perspective of a small indie studio shipping an ambitious game like Enshrouded using our custom Vulkan engine. We’ll share with you the details on how we evolved our internal graphics api, how we managed memory, what we did about synchronization and pipeline compilation, and what issues we had along the way.

Julien Koenen profile picture.

Julien Koenen

Technical Director, Keen Games

Lukas Feller Profile Picture

Lukas Feller

Graphics Programmer, Keen Games

Tiny Glade

Rendering tiny glades with entirely too much ray marching

Learn how Tiny Glade’s custom engine draws lush meadows, fluffy trees, and player-created castles and towns. We’ll explore a range of bespoke techniques employed in the game, from real-time global illumination to tilt-shift DoF and stable shadows with continuous time of day. All running on 10 year old hardware, laced with excessive amounts of ray marching, GPU-driven rendering, and just the right sprinkle of ray tracing.

Tomasz Stachowiak

Tomasz Stachowiak

Technical Debt Generator, Pounce Light

From gates to pixels: making your own graphics hardware.

In this talk I will discuss how using recent open source tooling you can design your own hardware, from FPGAs to ASICs — your own piece of silicon! — to implement your favorite graphics algorithms as pure wired logic. From making a GPU with a 90’s twist to creating your own computer from scratch, this opens incredible new possibilities.

Sylvain Lefebvre

Researcher, INRIA

Harnessing Wave Intrinsics

Harnessing Wave Intrinsics For Good (And Evil)

Optimizing shaders using wave intrinsics has been possible for many years and can offer significant performance benefits. Whether you’re looking to compact data, run parallel reductions, or reduce register pressure through scalarization, wave intrinsics are invaluable tools. Alex will delve into alternative uses of wave intrinsics that range from useful to mere curiosities, highlighting how to discover and develop your own tricks and techniques. You too can build a beautiful shader that will send you straight to complexity jail.

Alexandre Sabourin profile picture

Alexandre Sabourin

Graphics Lead, Snowed In Studios

Arm Accuracy Super Resolution

Arm Accuracy Super Resolution: Bringing efficient spatio-temporal Super Resolution to mobile

Super-Resolution has become an extremely popular topic on mobile in the past year. However, advanced techniques in this area were originally designed and optimized with Desktops and Consoles in mind, leaving the mobile space out of the equation. This was a big limitation to developers who, in order to benefit from the performance and bandwidth savings upscaling workflows provide, found themselves using spatial upscalers that generally gave poor quality and were bound to use a really conservative per-dimension upscaling ratio.

Arm-ASR is our technique derived from AMD’s “Fidelity Super Resolution 2” that has been extremely optimized for mobile. In this talk we will provide an overview of the journey we did to bring this usecase to mobile.

Sergio Alapont

Sergio Alapont

Staff Software Engineer, Arm

Panagiotis Christopoulos Charitos

Panagiotis Christopoulos Charitos

Principal Software Engineer, Arm

November 12th-13th 2024


Real-time Fluid Simulations banner

Realtime* Fluid Simulations

This workshop advances beyond basic “Stable Fluids” simulations (smoke, fire, explosions, clouds) to adapt them for real-time or game production settings. We’ll explore advanced topics and discuss trade-offs and compromises for optimizing simulations to efficiently meet different goals.

Participants will learn to address different environments, from game production with tight frame budgets to real-time applications at ~60 fps, and interactive scenarios in the hundreds of milliseconds. The hands-on session will extend a basic Stable Fluids implementation using compute shader based simulations and a mix of compute and rasterization rendering techniques.

Morten Vassvik profile picture

Morten Vassvik

Graphics Programmer, JangaFX

WebGPU with C++

WebGPU with C++

In this masterclass, you will learn how to leverage the power of WebGPU to create a graphics framework that can be used on desktops, mobile, and for the web using a single C++ codebase.

This masterclass includes initializing WebGPU, loading vertex and index buffers, uniform buffers, loading textures and generating mipmaps using compute shaders. Finally, we’ll deploy our WebGPU application to the web using Emscripten.


Jeremiah van Oosten

Principal Graphics Programmer, NeoBards

Basic Volumetric Rendering

Basic Volumetric Rendering

Volumetric effects like clouds, smoke and atmosphere can add realism to 3D scenes. We will take a look at the basics of ray marching density fields and how to simulate light interaction with substances to produce eye-catching sunsets and fluffy clouds.

Alo Roosing

Alo Roosing

Graphics Programmer

Basics of Signed Distance Fields

Basics of Signed Distance Fields

Ray marching distance fields in 3D scenes allows for novel modeling techniques using constructive solid geometry. We will explore SDF marching and creating complex scenes from geometry primitives.

Alo Roosing

Alo Roosing

Graphics Programmer

The Graphics Programming Conference (GPC) is a new, international conference for real-time and interactive graphics programmers. We’re here to bring together graphics programmers, technical directors, graphics researchers, game developers, academia, and students. If you’re working on graphics, be it stylized rendering, movie rendering, real-time games, or similar, we want this conference to be yours to meet like-minded people and learn about new techniques, things that work in the wild, new ideas, then this is the place to be.

We’re new, but we’re not new to conferences – we’ve got a team of industry veterans organizing this conference and the venue is secured. We have experience running the successful Everything Procedural Conference, Virtual Productions Gathering, and Industry Showcase Day.

Our team consists of both academic specialists in graphics programming and industry alumni trying to establish an alternative conference for the graphics programming community in Europe.

What is it?

Havermarkt, Breda. Cafe street with people enjoying a drink on a warm summer day.

The Graphics Programming Conference is a three day event in November. We’ll have keynotes from industry experts, presentations, and “masterclass” workshops with the ability to dive into specific technology in a hands-on environment.

We’ll have plenty of time to network in the beautiful city of Breda, The Netherlands which is also easy to reach by plane thanks to Schipol (AMS/Amsterdam) airport and with the Intercity Direct train from Schipol, you will be in Breda in less than 60 minutes!


We are seeking speakers who are experts in the field of graphics programming. If you have a passion for graphics programming, work or study in graphics programming and would like to share your contribution in the field, we invite you to submit your proposal. This is a fantastic opportunity to share your knowledge, inspire others, and gain recognition in the graphics programming community. We welcome topics that range from the latest advancements in graphics programming to the exploration of new techniques and technologies. Join us in the shaping of the future of graphics programming! Send your submission to: before July 31st, 2024.
Presentation in a lecture hall.
Students watching an industry expert working on a laptop.


We are also excited to offer several multi-day masterclasses during the event. If you are a seasoned professional, or have a unique perspective on graphics programming, we invite you to share your expertise with the graphics programming community. This is an excellent opportunity to delve deep into a specific topic by providing a multi-day hands-on practical masterclass and inspire the next generation of graphics programmers. We welcome masterclasses on a variety of topics from cutting-edge techniques to foundational principles. Help us shape the future of graphics programming by sharing your knowledge and experience. Send your masterclass proposal to: before July 31st, 2024.


Would you like to contribute to making our Graphics Programming Conference a success by sponsoring our event?

This is a unique opportunity for your organisation to gain visibility and connect with students, professionals, and enthusiasts in the graphics programming community.

Your support will not only help us host a successful event but also drive innovation and advancement in the field of graphics programming.

We offer various sponsorship packages, each providing valuable benefits and exposure.

Please let us know if you are willing to sponsor our event by sending us an mail to

Shaking hands with technolgy.

Countdown to the Event

We’re looking forward to hosting this event and seeing you on our beautiful campus at Breda University of Applied Sciences in Breda, The Netherlands on November 12th, 2024.



Available Now!

Contact Us

Our team will be happy to hear from you if you have questions, suggestions or feedback for us. Drop us a line at